

Photo Hanger
is a hanger shaped paperclip, designed by Juta Kan.
It is made with a thin steel wire shaped as
a clip in the form of a miniature clothes hanger.
Photo Hanger is designed to display photos,
and favorite post cards.
Have fun
– hang them on a thin line of monofilament,
as if on a clothes line,
or on a push pin on a bulletin board.



The Greetings Club


Public service announcement from Melbourne, Australia

-Apparently the Victorian government (Melbourne, Australia)
recently passed a law enabling police to
arrest or fine on the spot (WTF?)
any person caught carrying spray paint…
How the fuck this makes sense is completely
mind boggling to any rational thinking person since
A. its completely legal to purchase spray paint.
B. Since its legal to purchase how can it be illegal to posses it.

-I think it would make much more sense
(Although still entirely retarded)
to enforce this law to say…
umm maybe a hammer or screwdriver,
since that is obviously MUCH more
dangerous thing to carry in public.

What the hell is up with all this
hysteria of graffiti anyways!???
-after all, its JUST A COAT OF PAINT ON A WALL.
And how the hell does Australia get off
being all high and mighty over crime in the first place!?
-Did y’all forget you are the descendants
of the most undesirable criminals and derelicts of England…
So much so that they were exiled from the entire continent!

-Watch out grandpa,
you might just get arrested for walking
home with that can of paint you just bought
from the hardware store to paint your BBQ with…

Revok MSK


Robbo WD interview (speaks on Banksy)

Graffiti legend Robbo speaks out about his
long running feud with Banksy which is transforming
the face of London as the two artists
compete to ‘improve’ each other’s work.

Full story over @ SabotageTimes.com